
来源:海峡礼品产业网 时间:2013-07-10 浏览次数:4 评论(0)

     近年来,国人对产品外观设计感的追求越发强烈。不再仅仅偏重于廉价实惠的低端产品而越来越向时尚、美观、创意的产品靠拢。就如法国品牌LEXON的宣传口号一样设计,无处不在。依托杭州近年来文化创意产业的崛起,并且拥有中国美术学院等一批高质量的专业艺术设计类院校,越来越多的礼品公司将全国甚至全球的产品研发设计中心设在杭州,为此GIFT+DESIGN 20131130日(GIFREUM杭州礼品及赠品展第二天,星期六)在浙江世界贸易中心举办。

        In recent years, people in the pursuit of product design feeling more intense. Nolonger just emphasis on cheaplow-end products moreaffordable to fashion,beauty, innovative products tomove closer. As the French brandLEXON slogan as"Design, everywhere." Relying Hangzhou riseof cultural and creative industries in recent years, and has China Academy of Fine Arts and a number of high-quality professional art and designcolleges, more and more national andeven global gift company'sproduct design centers are located inHangzhou, GIFT + DESIGN 2013 will be held on November 30 (GIFREUM Hangzhou Giftsand Premium Fair the second day,Saturday) in Zhejiang Word Trade Center.


      本次研讨会以礼品,不再那么简单为主题,深入探讨设计元素为礼品行业发展所带来的影响以及礼品设计专业在未来的发展趋势等话题。主办方邀请了美中商业协会创意与设计委员会主席,中荷文化创意产业交流会协会会长,中国美术学院设计学院院长、法国LEXON 浙江区总经理以及西班牙著名设计大师DanielOrt DNRT DESIGN SERVICES,等来为本次研讨会进行主题演讲。与礼品行业的专业设计人员、东南亚相关企业直接采购商、浙江地区各大型集团与企事业单位的直接采购商及专业媒体共同参与此次研讨会。

       The seminar, "Gift,No Simple" as the theme, depth design elements for the gift industry, the impact of development and gift designprofessionals in the futuredevelopment trend of other topics. Organizer invited the US-ChinaBusiness Association – The chairman of the Committee of creativity and design, Dutch – China cultural and creative industries exchangeAssociation, China Academy of Fine Arts Dean, General Manager of the LEXON Zhejiang Branchand Spanish famous designer Daniel Ort (DNRT DESIGN SERVICES),tothe keynote presentations. And gift industry professionaldesigners, buyers directlyrelevant companies in Southeast Asia,the Zhejiangregion of the large group of enterprises and institutions directlywith buyers andprofessional media to take part inthe seminar.



       We invite you who attentionto design, share with us your experience in Zhejiang World Trade Center at that time.


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